This page describes the resources of Patents, Copyright and Intellectual Property for users.
1. Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (myIPO)
2. United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO)
Search Patent through Google Patents or Free Patent Online widget below.
Publisher copyright policies & self-archiving
Here the list of other plagiarism checker:
1. DupliChecker (Free Online Software)
2. CopyLeaks (Free Online Software)
3. PaperRater (Free & Paid version)
4. Plagiarisma (Free & Paid version)
5. PlagiarismChecker (Free Online Software)
6. Plagium (Free & Paid version)
7. PlagScan (Free & Paid version)
8. PlagTracker (Free & Paid version)
9. Quetext (Free Online Software)
10. Viper (Free Online Software)
Click logo to access the MyIPO website
MyIPO is an Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia which an agency under the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism. The objectives of MyIPO are:
> Establishing a strong and effective administration
> Strengthening intellectual property laws
> Providing comprehensive and user-friendly information on intellectual property
> Providing advisory on intellectual property
For more details, please refer to MyIPO website
Telephone Number: 05-3688486 (Circulation Counter) | 05-3688488 (User Advisory Desk)|
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